
Leadership roles in tech can be puzzling to navigate.

What companies are looking for in these roles varies greatly: From hands-on technical involvement, to strategic work, to mandates like “handle the people and process stuff that I don’t want to deal with” (real quote). At all levels from engineering manager to CTO, there’s rarely much clarity on expectations beyond “achieve results.” This makes it confusing for anyone striving to grow their leadership career, let alone start one. At the same time, you’re way past the stage where your boss is having career development conversations with you. So where do you turn?

You start with yourself - and this workshop, in which you’ll check in with yourself and your career, understand better what matters to you, and develop a plan to hold yourself accountable to your goals. No matter if you’re an ambitious go-getter or ambivalent about careers, experienced engineering executive-turned-leadership-coach and accidental career changer Lena Reinhard will help you get more clarity on building the career you want and how to make deliberate choices about what you optimize for. You’ll leave better equipped to own your career design, and become your own cheerleader as you design steps to make it real.