Content Pieces

Access the latest marketing and audience insights from expert voices within LeadDev and our industry partners.

Five ways to get the most out of your virtual event sponsorship

Maximizing the impact of your virtual investment


Daisy Wort
Daisy Wort
Caroline Nyakiyo
Caroline Nyakiyo

The Engineering Manager 101

Who are they and what do they do


Ishaan Singh
Ishaan Singh

How Karat puts listening to customers at the heart of marketing

Understanding your customers' pain is the first step to knowing how to help them.


Sheilin Herrick​
Sheilin Herrick​
Technology Hiring Solution Director SHL

Why it’s important to market to multiple stakeholders

Promoting across teams from VPs to engineers


Daisy Wort
Daisy Wort
Caroline Nyakiyo
Caroline Nyakiyo

Career ladders StaffPlus

Who are staff, principal, and distinguished engineers?

Understanding the individual contributor leadership career ladder


Mariana Valette
Mariana Valette
Content Producer LeadDev

How to get the most out of ‘post-pandemic’ event sponsorships

Maximizing your impact in the return to live events

How software engineering teams purchase solutions

From startups to enterprises, how do different tech companies purchase solutions?


Olivia Christian
Olivia Christian

How to generate engaged leads from webinars

A guide to running a webinar that brings in high-quality opportunities


Josh Lomas
Josh Lomas
Toby Harland
Toby Harland