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Confirmed line-up and activities

Renee Hunt (Keynote)

Talk details coming soon


Renee Hunt
Renee Hunt
CTO Compare the Market

Mentorship & Sponsorship

We often find mentors: people who can give us helpful advice. But what can be even more valuable is finding “sponsors”, who help us find new opportunities and improve. Lara Hogan walks through tactics you can employ today to be a sponsor for those around you.


Lara Hogan
Lara Hogan
VP of Engineering

No plan survives first contact with the enemy: Managing through large scale organizational change

In this talk, Sally will recount some war stories of taking a team of engineering managers and engineers through turbulent change and will reflect on what went well, what didn’t, and what she wishes she’d known beforehand.


Sally Goble
Sally Goble
Engineering Director Accurx

Tech Debt as Innovation: Reframing this forever problem as an opportunity

Tech Debt is a natural by-product of software engineering, yet we, in the software industry, don’t attack it with the same excitement or fervour as we do with product innovation or feature development. In this talk, Bruce will discuss how Netflix is reframing technical debt and what they're investing in to help manage it better.


Bruce Wang
Bruce Wang
Engineering Director, Product Platform Systems Netflix

Designing APIs when things keep changing

In this talk, Jeff will talk about his experiences at Stripe and OpenAI, sharing stories and lessons on creating APIs that are easy to use, yet powerful and adaptable for the future. He'll discuss strategies for making decisions in API design, even when the path ahead isn't clear.


Jeff Chan
Jeff Chan
Member of the Technical Staff OpenAI

Revolutionising engineer growth: The tech-powered blueprint for careers clarity at ASOS

In this talk, Ed and Gareth take you through how they built a comprehensive competency framework; starting from an initial MVP to where they are today - a dedicated web app powered through markdown files in GitHub and a Blazor Server App. They'll delve into the evolution of frameworks and tools, all with one goal in mind: crafting an engaging and user-friendly platform to drive meaningful development and career conversations. They'll also take you through how they shared their matrix with folks outside of engineering - and how they ended up adopting it too.


Ed Collins
Ed Collins
Engineering Manager ASOS
Gareth Waterhouse
Gareth Waterhouse
Principal Test Engineer ASOS

Break and lunch activities

Network, learn and explore during every break

Chat to every speaker

Office hours is your opportunity to connect face-to-face, ask questions and find out more.

Complete your "Voltron Quest"

Inspired by Lara Hogan’s Manager Voltron, build your personal network at LeadDev London. 

Solution swap

Work together to find ways of solving a common problem posed by our moderator.

Table talks

Join facilitated conversations on topics such as:

  • Running effective code reviews
  • Tackling difficult conversations
  • Innovating with fewer resources
  • Learning from incidents
  • Measuring engineering success
  • Management skills for AI
  • Improving developer experience

Speed coaching

Watch or participate in free 1:1 coaching


Lena Reinhard
Engineering Leadership & Executive Coach
Mathias Meyer
Founding Partner

Career next steps Q&A

Dedicated sessions on how to take the next step in your career for:

  • Tech Leads
  • Engineering Managers
  • Staff Engineers
  • Engineering Directors
  • Principal Engineers

Become a LeadDev Contributor AMA

Hear from the LeadDev content team on the secrets of crafting winning speaker submissions and effective article proposals.

Networking mixer

Spend some time with other attendees after Day 1 of the conference. 

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