Tickets start at £899+VAT

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A day of sessions on: your Business, your Delivery, your Strategy and your People.

Session 1

Your Business: Developing commercial awareness to drive business outcomes

This interactive session is designed to help you become an effective business leader as well as an effective technical leader. It will provide you with the tools to develop strong commercial awareness, frameworks for effective cross-functional working with your management counterparts, and communication skills for influencing non-technical leaders.


Meri Williams
Meri Williams
CTO and Advisor Pleo

Session 2

Your Strategy: Crafting an effective technical strategy and getting buy-in

With few examples available on how to craft an effective tech strategy, this workshop session will help you understand what makes a ‘good’ or ‘bad’ strategy, understand how to put together a new strategy, and give you tips to articulate and communicate it, as well as adapt it as times change.


Rukmini Reddy
Rukmini Reddy
SVP of Engineering Slack

Session 3

Your Delivery: Driving pace and delivering high-impact projects

This practical session is designed to help you get your teams working effectively on the most impactful tasks. It will deliver practical tools to set priorities and roadmap, identify and debug delivery issues, and measure your organizational performance.


Dan Blundell
Dan Blundell
Engineering Director Gymshark

Session 4

Your People: Structuring and developing your teams

Managing managers requires a drastic change in skillset and a shift of mindset. This interactive session will give you frameworks to effectively calibrate performance in your organization, define success for your reports, set realistic growth targets, and provide tips to support your managers as they transition to leadership.

Break and lunch activities

Network, learn and explore during every break

Table talks

Join facilitated conversations on topics such as:

  • Measuring engineering organization success
  • Improving engineering organization velocity
  • Partnering with Product & Design

Speed coaching

Watch or participate in free 1:1 coaching.


Mathias Meyer
Founding Partner

Career next steps Q&A

Dedicated sessions on how to take the next step in your career for:

  • VP of Engineering
  • CTO

Growing Engineering Managers: Breaking down the monolith

This talk will delve into the intricacies of being an effective engineering manager by dissecting the multifaceted role into distinct components. Chiranjiv will explore technical excellence, people management, and delivery, breaking down each aspect into manageable units that can be employed for evaluation and strategic planning.


Chiranjiv Singh
Chiranjiv Singh
Engineering Director

Back in the Loop: The importance of staying technical in leadership

One of the toughest challenges you face as an engineering leader is that your team’s technical knowledge can continuously diverge from your own. This talk will explore how you can overcome this challenge, why it’s important to invest time in your technical skills, how to get it done when you’re inundated with meetings, and why getting back in the loop could be the key to making better decisions and building a stronger team.


James Da Costa
James Da Costa
VP of Engineering Cint

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