Daniel is a Director of Engineering at Lemonade and has 10+ years of experience as an engineering manager and software developer from various startups and international companies.

He co-founded and leads a community of 1,100+ engineering managers in Israel ("Engineering Managers IL"), that facilitates knowledge sharing through virtual discussions and physical monthly meetups.

Daniel is passionate about leading strong dev teams that build excellent products through technical coaching, growth mentorship, and an emphasis on execution and delivery. In his spare time, he contributes to Open Source projects and blogs about tech, management and process.

When not coding, Daniel can be found doing CrossFit, snowboarding, or exploring new cities by chasing football matches.

Why management debt is a company-wide issue
23 Oct 2023 Article

Why management debt is a company-wide issue

Daniel Korn
Daniel Korn
Anastasija Kovacevic
Anastasija Kovacevic
3 mins
Building an onboarding plan for engineering managers
14 Sep 2023 Article

Building an onboarding plan for engineering managers

Daniel Korn
Daniel Korn
9 mins
It’s time to pay off your management debt
17 Dec 2022 Conference session

It’s time to pay off your management debt

Daniel Korn
Daniel Korn
What do you mean there’s no onboarding plan for engineering managers?
06 Jul 2022 Conference session

What do you mean there’s no onboarding plan for engineering managers?

Daniel Korn
Daniel Korn