Take back control of code quality

Take back control of code quality

In this talk, Joel Chippindale shares stories from his experiences in leading engineering teams that illustrate the dynamics between team members and with stakeholders that lead teams to lose control of code quality.

How to make better modernization decisions

How to make better modernization decisions

Indu Alagarsamy shares some of the methods she has been using such as Service Blueprints, Wardley Mapping, and Architecture/Product Decision Tracking Framework to get buy-in collaboratively.

Making work (and life) less stressful by making better decisions

Making work (and life) less stressful by making better decisions

Nicky Thompson's talk is aimed at engineers, tech leads, managers, humans - anyone who makes decisions. Making better decisions is a skill that you can improve on, and this talk will introduce some ways to do that.

Growth in a downturn

Growth in a downturn

In this talk, Smruti Patel asks, if hyper-growth is marked by spending more to make more, what does building for enduring growth look like?

Managing in hard times: How to shift from growth to stability

Managing in hard times: How to shift from growth to stability

David LaMothe covers some of the key actions a manager should take to make sure their team gets through difficult times. Whether it’s managing expectations, focusing on the essentials, or celebrating small successes, you will leave with the essential toolbox you need to weather the storm.

Challenges in transforming a multicultural local-only company to a remote-first

Challenges in transforming a multicultural local-only company to a remote-first

Felipe Furlan discusses the most significant challenges and the strategies we use to overcome them. I will also discuss the advantages and disadvantages of such a strategy.

Learning is a core capability of software teams; here’s how to measure it

Learning is a core capability of software teams; here’s how to measure it

Sorrel Harriet shares what she has learned. Specifically, talking about how she has been measuring learning culture and using the data to uplift learning capability in different organizations and teams. While still an experiment in progress, the methods and tools she's using are mature enough to be shared, so as to invite commentary and feedback from fellow practitioners.

How to completely fail at learning

How to completely fail at learning

Hywel Carver asks, are you being asked to do more with less? Are hiring ambitions lower than they were a couple of years ago? Are you finding it slow and painful to adopt new technologies? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, this talk is for you.

Go with the flow: Embracing and supporting menstrual needs in tech

Go with the flow: Embracing and supporting menstrual needs in tech

Amy Roberts-Hoad spotlights the often-underestimated influence of menstruation on tech teams. Through personal anecdotes, she offers actionable insights on fostering conversations around this topic, paving the way for both inclusivity and heightened productivity.

We should all be declaring more incidents

We should all be declaring more incidents

You’re probably used to avoiding incidents at all costs, but they are actually the most effective tool you have to handle reactive work when things go wrong. In this talk, Martha Lambert looks at how to reframe incidents and use them to your advantage to make customers happier.

Coaching autism traits in tech

Coaching autism traits in tech

In this talk, Dennie Declercq explains how autism works, what the traits are and how you can coach people with autism in tech.

There and back again: A journey of complexity

There and back again: A journey of complexity

Tristan Heal presents his journey in helping my company successfully modularise its frontend codebase, that started off being single product single platform to multiple products spanning multiple tech stacks across web, mobile and TV platforms today.

Managing architecture

Managing architecture

Lutz Hühnken talks about the importance of a strategic approach to software architecture, that prevents teams from becoming architecture firefighters, who spent an excessive amount of energy applying short-term fixes to architectural problems.

Leading through the downturn

Leading through the downturn

Allison Malloy shares the secret sauce to building high-performing teams that thrive in any economic climate. You will learn practical strategies to keep growing your team’s careers (as well as your own), retain your top talent, bolster morale, and get shit done!

Growing future leaders: nurturing Team Leads as a path to managerial succession

Growing future leaders: nurturing Team Leads as a path to managerial succession

Anna Kurylo shares the learnings from growing two team leads within her org, where the change ended up being a win-win-win situation for her, the teams, and the new team leads.

Building teams in tumultuous times. Lessons learned after multiple layoffs

Building teams in tumultuous times. Lessons learned after multiple layoffs

Chris Jimenez covers topics of providing clarity to yourself and finding energy and motivation to rebuild as a leader, providing clarity to your teammates and different ways of offering support, organization re-structure with the intent of bringing people together with a clear scope, and tips and tricks on rebuilding the culture and team cohesion.

Things I got wrong when preparing for my first Engineering Manager role

Things I got wrong when preparing for my first Engineering Manager role

Ferit Topcu shares his own experiences in this transition, the errors I made, and how I overcame them.

Pragmatic data organization leadership

Pragmatic data organization leadership

In this talk, Olalekan Elesin looks at how a data team was led through a difficult reorganization to deliver company-wide impact and customer value.

50 shades of PR dark matter

50 shades of PR dark matter

In this short and fun talk (yes it’ll be fun!) - Avishag Sahar laments about the top blockers of PRs, but cheer up - because I’ll also provide insights into how to unblock them.

Goldilocks doesn't need your story points or your t-shirts

Goldilocks doesn't need your story points or your t-shirts

Ben Murray believes there is only really one question you need to ask: is this task small enough? If the answer is no, then you need to break it down. Apply the same process to the sub-tasks. This talk will take you through some examples, tips and tricks for making this work.

Leading a distributed team out of a war zone: Lessons in resilience and adaptability

Leading a distributed team out of a war zone: Lessons in resilience and adaptability

Bohdan Kit shares his management experience and insights from leading a team of eight senior engineers.

Native to flutter: A tale of Tide's transformation

Native to flutter: A tale of Tide's transformation

Anna Leushchenko and Giorgos Ampavis are here to share their transformation journey: how they upskilled their native mobile engineers to Dart and Flutter, migrated their codebase to the new tech stack, and rolled out the new product to their users, ensuring the best possible transition. They will highlight the challenges they faced, the solutions they implemented, and the objectives they have achieved for their business and engineering team.

Python Powered People - teaching non-technical professionals to code

Python Powered People - teaching non-technical professionals to code

Charlie Beeson talks about our bespoke training initiative called develop, which is designed to bring Python and other critical technical skills to the masses, including resolute technophobes, and how, just 18 months after launching, over half of our firm now use Python - including compliance officers, communications professionals, operations analysts and lawyers!

Practical tech-debt prioritization

Practical tech-debt prioritization

Sahana Carlsen explores practical steps to influence stakeholders, be realistic about resourcing, and involve the entire team in making critical decisions on quality projects and technical debt.

Responsible AI / Ethics in AI in engineering

Responsible AI / Ethics in AI in engineering

Maria Gomez Aguirre and Priyanka Syal share insights on how to adapt to this changing landscape and factor in the human impact of our work while building systems and products with AI.

Skills that empower engineers to drive business impact

Skills that empower engineers to drive business impact

Lydia Seidlitz focuses on skills for engineers to master in order to foster a business and product mind set.

Pleasing everyone, except yourself: Overcoming people-pleasing tendencies to become a stronger engineering leader

Pleasing everyone, except yourself: Overcoming people-pleasing tendencies to become a stronger engineering leader

Nikita Rathi talks about her ongoing journey towards recognising the different patterns of people pleasing that she tends to fall into, like countless other folks, and how it impacts her work as an engineering leader.

Building bridges beyond the screen: Cracking the code of remote team-building

Building bridges beyond the screen: Cracking the code of remote team-building

In this talk, Marina Planells Guasch will share her experiences and provide resources that have worked for her, as well as discuss the failures and difficulties she encountered while attempting to foster team spirit in a remote environment.

AI for software development: A reality check

AI for software development: A reality check

Birgitta Boeckeler gives an overview of what is actually possible today and walks through four capabilities of Large Language Models that can help us be more effective at software delivery.